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Rev. Candace Godard Johnson, is a 3rd Degree High Priestess, A Mother, Grandmother Well studied in the Ways of Wicca, Shaman, Diannic.


Rev. Lewis Clinton Richardson, is a 3rd Degree High Priest, Studied well in the ways of Wicca, Native American, Druidism, Voodoo, Family Witchcraft.


Both are Available for, Wiccanings, Handfastings, All Rites of Passages, call 803.729.4319 for more info. or email





Gaias Rising CUUPS was started in 1994, to teach the ways of nature worship to our community. we meet every thursday night at 7:30 pm.We celebrate the Sabbats and the Esbats. Different members, and others teach classes and events.


CUUPS ( The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans ) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UU's), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.


The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) was chartered by the Unitarian Universalist Associationat the General Assembly in 1987 for the purposes of enabling:

networing among Pagan identified UU's; providing outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan community continentally.

providing educational materials on Paganism for Unitarian Universalist congregations and the general public.

Promoting Pagan- Jewish & Christian dialogue; encouraging the development of theological and liturgical materials based on earth and nature centered religious and spiritualperspectives.

encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration.

providing support for Pagan-identified UU religious profesionals and ministeral students; and fostering healing relationships with our mother earth and all of her children



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